National Geographic Planet or Plastic

Our 2019 New Year's Resolutions

National Geographic Plastic Pollution
Photo: Fast Company/National Geographic

2018 has been a year of discovery and change for us.

It all started with a question we asked ourselves - how can we live a more meaningful life for ourselves and inspire others to do the same? As we looked around for answers, we discovered many little changes to our lifestyles that we could adopt to achieve that.

Living sustainably has not been an easy journey, it requires commitment, discipline and the willingness to experiment and get creative. This wonderful journey has certainly enriched our lives this year.

Here are our earth-friendly goals we wish to achieve in the coming year:

“I want to use less single-use plastic. For a start, I will be carrying my one-litre water bottle with me wherever I go. Also, I hope to reduce my plastic usage in skincare products. I have already replaced body and facial cleansers with package-free bar soaps, and in the new year I hope to find a good replacement for my bottled shampoo.” - Louis

“I want to cut down on my meat consumption so as to reduce my carbon footprint. This is going to be a huge thing for me as I’m a meat-lover! I also hope to inspire my parents to cut down on plastic usage, start my own edible garden using DIY compost, and to buy less things.” - Huijun

Thank you for joining our earth-friendly rally in 2018. We wish you a wonderful year ahead!

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